Once you have added a field in SKYFLD® and created your first application map, you can use it to download a shapefile - or a package of files containing spatial information about the shape and location of the field. Every shapefile that you download includes files of the following formats:
- .shp
- .shx
- .dbf
- .prj- an optional file that stores information about what coordination system was used.
If you haven’t created an application map yet, find out how to do it in our Help Center or export an ESRI file by using your field settings.
How to export a shapefile
- Open the fields list by clicking on the double arrow icon:
- Choose the field that you want to export and click on it.
- Click on the seeding, fertilisation or crop protection maps, then select one of them:
You can choose any map you wish - it will not affect the shape of your field.
- Once you open the map, click Export at the bottom of the page:
- In the Where do you want to use the map? section, select ESRI file:
- Your file package will start downloading automatically. You can then open it from your browser's download folder.
To include several formats in a single downloadable file, we have compressed them into a .zip package. Depending on your operating system, you might need to unpack it before you access the shapefile. |