1. Click the field you want to edit.
2. Click the gear icon to open Field Settings.
3. Click Edit Field.
You will see onscreen instructions. Click Ok, start editing.
4. To edit a shape, click, hold, and move the corners (white dots with blue outlines).
To add more editing points, click the plus icon between two corners. If you want to remove a point, click the red X icon that will appear next to it.
5. You can use Cut out feature to remove some objects, such as ponds, trees, or buildings, from the field. Click Cut Out and click on the map to draw a shape you want to remove. Outline the object.
You can add multiple cutouts to the field.
6. To finalize the edit, click the Save button.
After you edit a field it will take a while until new biomass maps appear. |
As you have edited the field shape, you can no longer edit application maps created for that field. Please create new ones that reflect the current shape of the field. |