🌟 The availability of features depends on your subscription plan. Depending on your subscription, you can create new fields within the hectare limit assigned to your account. Learn more about managing the subscription and increasing the hectare limit. |
Go to the Fields section and click the + Add Field button at the bottom of the fields list.
2. The pop-up with instructions appears - click Continue to proceed.
3. You can add multiple fields at once by:
or combining all three methods. For example, you can upload some fields from KML files and manually add several more.
If you have selected, drawn, or uploaded your fields, jump to the Finalizing field creation section of this article.
Field Selection
Field selection is now available only for farms located in:
Field shapes are detected by AI. If you don't see the fields' white boundaries in the Select Field option, please choose the Draw option. |
1. Click the predefined shapes to select the fields you want to add to your farm.
2. Selected fields appear on the list on the left. Here, you can add more details.
By default, the fields are automatically named 'Field <number>'.
You can change the default field name and add a field ID (optionally).
Click Select Crop to open a list. You can use a search box or scroll through the available crops. Click on the crop to select it.
If you want to proceed without selecting a crop, you can add it later by starting a new season.
You can optionally add a seeding date. Click the Seeding date window and select the day, month, and year from the calendar.
Scroll down the list to add information to all your selected fields.
3. To remove selected fields from the list, click the trash bin icon or click the field on the map again.
If you want to edit the shape of the selected field you have to save it first and later go to the field settings. |
Drawing fields
1. Select the Draw option if you don't see the predefined fields or want to add your own field shapes.
If you have selected some fields from the predefined shapes or uploaded them from KML or shape files before switching to the draw option, they will be listed on the left. |
2. To draw a field, click the corner of the field you see on the map and outline the shape.
If you want to edit the shape, click, hold, and move the corners or add more points by clicking the plus icon.
Use the Cut out option to remove objects from the field. These can be ponds, trees, or buildings. Click Cut out and outline the shape you want to exclude.
You can add multiple cutouts to the field.
3. The fields appear on the list on the left. Here, you can add more details.
By default, the fields are automatically named "Field <number>."
You can change the default field name and add a field ID (optionally).
Click Select Crop to open a list. You can use a search box or scroll through the available crops. Click on the crop to select it.
If you want to proceed without selecting a crop, you can add it later by starting a new season.
You can optionally add a seeding date. Click the Seeding date window and select the day, month, and year from the calendar.
Scroll down the list to add information to all your fields.
4. To remove selected fields, click the trash bin icon.
Upload KML or shape files
If you selected or drew some fields before switching to the upload option, they will be listed on the left. |
1. Click Upload KML or shape file above the Save button.
2. Click the Browse files button or drag & drop selected files from your computer into the marked space. The files you want to upload will appear in the pop-up.
To proceed, click the Upload button.
3. Now, match properties from your files with SKYFLD categories. Click the Select property in the right column to open the drop-down list of values.
Select the field name. Optionally, you can define field ID.
Next, select the seeding date. If there is no value in your files, you can use predefined inputs:
- None
- Not seeded yet
- Select one seeding date for all fields (if you select this one, the calendar will open where you have to set the seeding date)
As the last step, select crop. If you use values from your files, you have to match them with the crops available in SKYFLD.
To do so, click the Select property cell in the SKYFLD Crops column. The crop picker opens, where you can find the crop name.
4. To proceed, click the Create field(s) button. Depending on the number of fields you create, the upload may take some time. Imported fields will appear in the list on the left.
Finalizing field creation
1. You can review the list of fields you want to create. You see them all on the list on the left and on the map. You can change fields' names and add IDs, crops, varieties, and seeding dates.
You can also edit all the details in the field settings later on.
2. Click the Save button at the bottom of the list.
3. The fields have been added to your farm. Now SKYFLD is generating the NDVI maps - it may take a while, depending on the number of fields you created. After several minutes, you can access the current and historical biomass maps for all new fields.